
Work at AISIN

Skills-Building Workshops

OMD/3Pillars as promotion and development of Shop-floor Management, Actions of the Shop-floor Leadership Group are responsible for the safety of members and ensuring the quality, volume, cost, and delivery of the product created as well as the development of all members.

Our comprehensive skills-building workshops provide participants with practical knowledge and hands-on training, equipping them with the necessary skills to excel in their respective fields.

AISIN Academy

As the shift to digitalization accelerates on a global scale, it is essential to develop a digital workforce that can cope with advanced technologies and become next-generation leaders who run manufacturing sites.

In 2016, AISIN Academy opened its branch school in Suzhou, China as the first overseas academy. In 2022, the second overseas academy was opened in Thailand.

Opening the Thailand Academy in 2022 had a major challenge not faced by other academies: the COVID-19 pandemic. This dramatically impacted the planning and preparation phase and served as a formidable challenge.

The training period at overseas academies lasts for 10 weeks. The skills training is limited to basic skills including the 5S’s (SEIRI: sorting, SEITON: straightening; SEISO: systematic cleaning; SEIKETSU: standardizing; and SHITSUKE: sustaining; and social rules such as greetings and other basic etiquette), as well as discipline, initiative, and teamwork, and more.